HSNC Membership Program

Join our ranks today and
help us help animals!

By becoming a member of the Humane Society of Nacogdoches County, you will be counted among those who choose to help get the word out about humane treatment of animals, spaying and neutering to prevent more unwanted litters and so much more.

We have many programs that offer help to those who are less fortunate or who may have fallen on hard times and just need a hand.
We currently have the following programs:

  • Spay/Neuter programs for pets
  • TNR cat program (Trap Neuter Release)
  • Emergency Aid
  • Humane Education
  • Annual Spring Special
  • Vaccination Clinics
  • Animal Shelter Adoption Spay/Neuter Vouchers

When you join the HSNC, you are helping someone in our community with their pets. You are helping save lives and make some lives worth living again.

Please join us today!